Safe Guarding
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is all about keeping children and young people safe and making sure they are healthy and happy. It means making sure children are not being hurt or mistreated, helping them grow up in a safe environment, and making sure they have everything they need to do well in life.
Child protection is a big part of safeguarding, and it's all about making sure kids who are in danger or at risk of being hurt are taken care of and protected. It's important to have rules and procedures in place to make sure all children are safe and well taken care of.
Children’s MARS Board
The Children’s MARS Board brings together the safeguarding partners, and other relevant officers, to oversee, innovate and develop the Children’s MARS arrangements and seek assurance regarding the standard of local implementation across the safeguarding system and to ensure children, young people and families are resilient and safeguarded